Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Warm Sunday

A Super Night
The continued provision by our Lord was again evident as the new vent-free 40,000 btu log set warmed our area of Winter Worship. Worship moved from being "unplugged"with a minimal amount of amplification and the Spirit warmed our hearts as heartfelt adoration combined with prophetic worship and prayer.

Crimson House accepts the old statement, "All Spirit and you blow up; all Word and you dry up; but with the right combination you grow up." We are led by the Word as revealed by the Spirit. We live by faith and trust in the real God. He is taking us on a journey that is not governed by the natural eye or accomplished through our own strength. It is a journey that will give our Lord all the glory when the story is told. And there will be a story, but only because He has so chosen.

As the chapters continue to be written new players will be added, not to rewrite what He has already composed, but to fulfill what He is writing. Some players will depart, many having fulfilled their part in His plan for this place. In their role they were both blessed by what God is doing and were a blessing through the giving of themselves in ministry. However, none of us, from the pastor to the babies in the nursery, from the current congregation to those who no longer attend, are bigger than our God and what He desires to accomplish. It is all about giving glory to our God. Hence the reminder on the very front of our building, "To God be the Glory."

The message given at our last prayer meeting was from the Spirit as duly judged by all in attendance. I can especially attest to its validity since much of His word was a personal one to me and spoke of things only personally shared with Him in prayer. This I shared in our Sunday service two days later accompanied with the handout of the entire word given and my message text. In Acts we see where the interpretation of such a word can be conflicting (cf. Acts 21:10-14) but was not debated as to its origin. Ultimately their conversations concluded with "the will of the Lord be done" and, of course, it was.

We reviewed the third of the Maskil Psalms, Psalm 52, written when David learned of Doeg's conversation to Saul that revealed his (David's) visit to Ahimelech. A visit that both continued Saul's pursuit of David and caused the death of Ahimelech and 85 priests.

Even the malice (desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness) of a Doeg may furnish instruction to a David.

Proverbs 11:9 "With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered."

Anchor Points
  1. I am an olive tree...
  2. I will praise thee forever, because you have done it
  3. I will wait on your name
  4. I will do this because it is good before Your saints


Anonymous said...

Crimson House accepts the old statement, "All Spirit and you blow up; all Word and you dry up; but with the right combination you grow up."

This seems to be the most plausible explanation of anything I've heard so far.

In Acts we see where the interpretation of such a word can be conflicting (cf. Acts 21:10-14) but was not debated as to its origin. Ultimately their conversations concluded with "the will of the Lord be done" and, of course, it was.

Thank you for the scripture reference here.

I do also agree that none of us are bigger than God -- I think a lot of the disconnect here is that God speaks to us all in different ways. We have a common goal and a common vision and far be it from me to unintentionally impede that goal by questioning -- but I'll gladly join in and pray for the greatest good of the church.

My apologies for any misunderstandings on either side of prior discussion. Intent is pure but in a text only forum sometimes things can be a little hard to read.

Also my apologies for not being present last Sunday as work precluded me from being there...I may have understood context a little better of what was discussed.

My thanks for clearing everything up.

Anonymous said...

Huge, fiery, blazing logs. Warmth. YES!