Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Return of Wednesday Night

How nice it was to get back into the Wednesday night church routine after missing three services due to weather and the holidays. The fellowship hall beamed with activity as our elementary boys class grew to twelve. How great it was to see them adding chairs to the table so they could all sit together.

Teacher change: Diane and Nick have exchanged teaching positions for the session with Diane now being with the teens and Nick part of the teaching team facilitatng the 20-something class.

Here is the Crimson House Library link that will allow you to see the entire group of periodicals as they are published.

Next week we plan on returning to the renovation projects as time allows; kindly check schedules and participate as you can.

Christian Civics 101 Nugget
1 Timothy 2:1, 2
"Intercessions—the verb signifies to fall in with a person; to draw nearer so as to converse familiarly. Hence it is not properly intercession in the accepted sense of the term but rather approach to God in free and familiar prayer. In this passage it is not to make intercession but to intervene or interfere. Thus in Romans 8:26 it is not that the Spirit pleads in our behalf but that he throws himself into our case and takes part in it. " (Source: Vincent, Marvin Richardson: Word Studies in the New Testament)

I found the side bar definition regarding Holy Spirit very encouraging in how He becomes so intimately involved in our burdened prayers. He is more than a sympathizer; rather, He is the ultimate empathizer "throwing himself into our case."


angela young said...

I was struck with the realization that we also must throw ourselves into our relationships with one another in order to fervently and effectually pray for one another, "to draw nearer so as to converse familiarly". As Holy Spirit is one with us, fighting for us, intervening to help us, rescue us, we also for one another, as His arms and hands, His voice of comfort or correction, give ourselves unto our brothers as He has given Himself for us. It is a beautiful picture of what it means to be the Bride preparing for His coming.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Angela.

We ALL need to get more interconnected with one another. (the word "all" in CAPS to show importance)