Monday, January 12, 2009

Sweet Incense

The scent of Holy Spirit's sweetness was evident as we entered the building last night. He allowed us to go inside the veil (cf. Leviticus 16:12) and into a Presence that brought healing, hope and encouragement. Who can forget
  • unified voices in worship;
  • the sharing of visions received during intercessory prayer;
  • the spontaneous call to prayer regarding wounds and scars;
  • the spontaneous exhortation about the altar and its ultimate sacrifice;
  • the song of Holy Spirit;
  • the spontaneous lyrics in worship.
Sermon Summary
The Maskil Psalms--Psalm 78

Encouragement of Holy Spirit's leading
  1. Uniting the generations through the hope found in Jesus Christ
  2. The bridging of the session themes between last session's The Spirit of Elijah and the current focus on the Maskil Psalms
  1. The transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua
  2. Moses' steadfastness of relationship and obedience versus man's approval and "ministry" results
  1. Verses 5-8: the purpose of the Psalm
  2. Verses 9-41: Israel in the wilderness
  3. Verses 42-52: the Lord's goodness in bringing Israel out of Egypt by plagues and wonders
  4. Verses 53-66: the history of the Israelite tribes to the removal of the Ark to Zion
Anchor Points
  1. "For he established a testimony in Jacob..." (v. 5). That is, the Lord ordained, or appointed, that which would be a witness for him--a witness that would bear testimony to His character and His perfections presently.
  2. It was by past memories and future hope the appointed would be encouraged to practice their present duties.


diane said...

In reading over the message, it was point 2 of the Background that really spoke to me. In fact, that is a point that God has been trying to make clearly evident to me for some time---it's not about's about a relationship with the Living God. Everything else is born out of that and is just icing on the cake. It's not that ministering is unimportant; it just has to be held in the proper perspective. Everything we need is found at the feet of Jesus. Everything that we will ever have to offer others will be given to us in that time with Him. I thank God that He is revealing that to us at CH and is making it a foundation that we are building on. What good is a foundation that will collapse when the storm rages? There are easier and more attractive paths to take, but I'm glad that He is leading us down the road less traveled. As we see from Moses, the results of "ministry" aren't always "successful," but we have no control over that. What we do have control over are our choices. May CH be built upon those who will always choose the cleft of the rock experience and obedience over everything else.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been there last night, but my work precluded me from being able to do so. I was in prayer during the time the service went on though, and it is so good to hear the Lord was there and met everyone in a tangible way once again.

Jody Thomason said...

You make a very good point Diane. God isn't giving us the keys to ministry, He is telling us how to have a very personal relationship with Him. And once we establish the type of relationship He wants from us, everything we do will be ministry. We talked about it in prayer before, but the foundation God is establishing in CH is key to the work He will do through us in the future.