Friday, March 20, 2009

12 Hours of Presence

It begins today: Twelve hours of a focused prayer and fasting time that will continue every Friday for awhile. We fast from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm concluding with our scheduled prayer meeting at 7:00 pm. The prayer room will be open throughout the fast, but prayers are certainly not limited to any one location. Here is a brief outline for the prayer time taken from Matthew 6:9-13, Deuteronomy 20, and Isaiah 56:8. I would also suggest creating a personal journal during this time in an effort to preserve all that the Lord is going to speak to you/us.

Begin with the Lord's prayer using the following themes.
  1. Recognition of relationship with God and other believers--Our Father
  2. Faith--Which art in heaven
  3. Worship--Hallowed be thy Name
  4. Expectation--Thy kingdom come
  5. Submission--Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
  6. Petition--Give us this day our daily bread
  7. Confession--And forgive us our debts
  8. Compassion--As we forgive our debtors
  9. Dependence--Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
  10. Acknowledgment--For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever.
Deuteronomy 20 offers warfare strategy
  1. Be not afraid (vv. 1, 3-5)
  2. Consecrate yourself (vv. 2, 6-9)
  3. Peace at home (v. 5)
  4. Peace in provision (v. 6)
  5. Peace with spouse (v. 7)
  6. Devote to destruction every aspect of the enemy (v. 13, 17, 18, 20)
  7. "Eat" of the trees (v. 19)
Isaiah 58:6 brings focus to the fast
  1. Loose the bands of wickedness
  2. To undo heavy burdens
  3. To let the oppressed go free
  4. That ye break every yoke
Do your best
Without doubt the Lord knows that all of our schedules, commitments, and responsibilities vary today, but we all can do something. Find what you can do and do it with all your might!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'm glad you posted this.