Friday, June 26, 2009

Session 2 Sermon 8

To be Blameless

"Is it you, you troubler of Israel?"

Scripture Texts: 1 Kings 18:17-19; Philippians 2:12-16

Blame: to place the responsibility for


Crooked: "curved, crooked," was especially used (a) of a way, Luk_3:5, with spiritual import (see Pro_28:18, Sept.); it is set in contrast to orthos and euthus, "straight"; (b) metaphorically, of what is morally "crooked," perverse, froward, of people belonging to a particular generation, Act_2:40 (KJV, "untoward"); Phi_2:15;

Perverse (Twisted): "to distort, twist" (dia, "through," and strepho), is translated "to pervert" in Luk_23:2 (cf. No. 1 in Luk_23:14); Act_13:10 [in Act_13:8, "to turn aside" (KJV, "away")]; in the perfect participle, passive voice, it is translated "perverse," lit., "turned aside, corrupted," in Mat_17:17; Luk_9:41; Act_20:30; Phi_2:15.

Progression: Twisted to perverse to reprobate (visual thesaurus)

And harmless - Margin, "sincere." The Greek word (akeraios) means properly that which is unmixed; and then pure, sincere. The idea here is, that they should be artless, simple, without guile. Then they would injure no one. The word occurs only in Mat_10:16; Phi_2:15, where it is rendered "harmless," and Rom_16:19, where it is rendered "sincere"; see the Mat_10:16 note, and Rom_16:19 note.



1 Thessalonians 5:23

  1. Body—Luke 12:4
  2. Spirit—Mark 3:22
  3. Soul—Matthew 5:11, 12


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